In the United States, the legal age to obtain a driver’s license, own a car, and drive one is sixteen years old.
Who wants to wait sixteen years?
The kids’ electric car has been around for quite some time and has stayed a pretty common and popular toy for kids today. Electric mini dirt bikes, pocket bikes, electric cars and more fascinate kids and let them put their sense of adventure to practice.
So, why should you get your kid an electric car? Here are three creative reasons why this investment is healthy, fun, and safe for your little one.
It Gives Them Practice
Practice for what? Getting their license in approximately twelve years? While an electric car might not give your little one an early start on driver’s ed, it does give them plenty of practice with other key functions, abilities, and skills.
- It teaches them coordination. This button turns this on, this pedal makes it go, and taking my foot off the pedal makes it stop. These are all thought processes of your little when they are taking a cruise in their own little car.
- It teaches them patience. Let’s admit it, learning how to drive a car takes a lot of work. Luckily, the process teaching little ones not only coordination but patience!
- It teaches them where to go and where not to go. Soon, your little one will learn that they probably aren’t as invincible as they might think. For example, no matter how much they whine and beg, the car just can’t go through a fence or over a curb.
- It teaches them to problem solve. When they run into something, they will have to figure out how to get back on their track. If they get lost, they will learn how to retrace their steps. If the car isn’t going the way they want it to, they’ll learn how to make it.
It Gets Them Out of the House
Nowadays, there are too many things that keep kids inside and not using their imagination, such as television and video games. Even reading books and playing with toys in their room can get a little tiring.
While sitting behind a toy car doesn’t appear much more active, I guarantee you there’s a lot more activity going on in your kid’s mind.
They’re mapping out their own routes, learning how their actions affect the direction and movement of the car, and imagining where they might go on their little adventures.
With their own electric car, kids can get outside, have fun, and explore.
They can go on adventures around the driveway or in the backyard. Also, it can give them a wonderful feeling of independence to know that they’re the one behind the wheel this time!
It is Safe
Little cars that go to a maximum of 2 miles per hour, how safe is that? Also, many kids’ cars come with doors and even seatbelts so they can’t fall out if they make a slightly too sharp turn.
Additionally, many trusted toy brands such as Fisher Price and Power Wheelers sell electric play cars. When purchasing from a well known and trustworthy company, it gives parents a bit more peace of mind.
All that’s left for you to do is sit back and watch your little one play.
It’s a Gift that Lasts a Long, Long Time
You might think your kid is a bit destructive, but more than likely he or she won’t be tearing up an electric car any time soon.
The durability and long lasting of these play cars make it one of the only large gifts actually worth the price.
Think about it: you won’t have to buy another one of these big things for a long time, if ever again. With a rechargeable battery, stability, and the ability to hold up to sometimes 130 pounds, it’s hard to wear this thing to its end.
It Can Be a Gift for TWO Kids
Something awesome about kids’ electric cars: most have two seats! If you have more than one kid, this is perfect. Now both get the benefits, and you only have to buy one!
- With only one car but two kids, they will learn how to take turns.
- They can help each other solve problems that might occur.
- They will learn how to communicate, have fun, and adventure together.
I think this has product has proven to be a gift for both the kids and mom
A Better Way to Get Your Kids Outside of the House
In addition to all these benefits, it is also fairly easy to find the right car for your ideal price.
There are so many brands and types competing in the market, available for you.
It’s time for them to have fun, and you to relax!