The solar powered electric car has gone from a product of science fiction to a product of real-world assembly lines over the past decade.

These vehicles have emerged as a result of improving technology around renewable energy as well as the increasing push toward a more eco-conscious world. In order to leave a smaller carbon footprint and help others do the same thing, car manufacturers have been exploring solar options.

This move has taken some time to develop prototypes, and there is still work to be done. However, the growing trend of improved solar technology has made solar panel electric cars more viable than ever. This means drivers are looking at them for their common travel needs, and even businesses are considering making the switch.

Electric car solar panels and electric truck solar panels are seeing more use, and successful test-runs have shown that these vehicles can be a great option in the future. Both individuals looking for a new type of vehicle and companies looking to refine their fleets may want to explore their solar-based options.

How Electric Solar Cars Have Evolved

Solar technology has been around in some form for over a century. Even in the days of its infancy, there was a great amount of speculation about exactly how this technology could benefit humankind and contribute to an eco-friendlier method of energy generation.

The prospect of integrating a solar panel on electric car motors has always been alluring. Many people have desired to lower the cost of their gas expenses, especially if they have to drive often. There are many studies that show solar vehicles could be more economical than gas guzzlers once their manufacturing costs can be lowered and their cell’s efficiency can be improved.

Even the thought that solar vehicles could be used in mainstream travel is astounding, especially when one considers that just a decade ago they weren’t even considered competition for standard vehicles. Anyone who depends on their vehicle for travel needs, be it personal or professional, has a vested interest in keeping up with the development of this technology.

But this raises an interesting question – can electric technology from solar panels be sued for both personal driving needs as well as commercial driving needs? Each area of travel has its own requirements, meaning the use of electric cars may need to be targeted at various markets to see true success.

Standard Driving Needs vs. Commercial Driving Needs

When most people think about buying a car, they’re thinking as an individual and not a business. This means they want something for their work commute, their weekly grocery run, or their yearly vacation. Aside from special trips and unique requirements like picking up friends and family, these are usually the limits for what regular drivers will need.

But for those who are driving cars for their business, they have different things to consider. Business costs are usually calculated a little differently than other expenses, meaning commercial drivers have a vested interest in analyzing the economics of upgrading their company’s fleet from gas to solar either partially or entirely.

Ride sharing, delivery, and shipping companies all use vehicles of various sizes with a wide range of capabilities. In order to make sure they can recoup their costs, these companies must keep a close eye on their fuel usage. While the economical aspect may be a slight factor in helping an individual or family decide to buy an electric vehicle, this aspect is of massive importance to commercial buyers.

The Emergence of Solar Trucks

Cars are already seeing solar panels being implemented into their hardware as a way of providing constant, reliable power on the roads. Provided the weather is good and the hardware is efficient, this simple modification can help a car travel for miles without the need to fuel up or even charge externally.

But what about commercial trucks? These vehicles are also seeing a move toward solar technology. Tractor-trailers have long faced scrutiny for their large amount of fossil fuel emissions, and freight carriers have been exploring options to power their rigs differently.

The large size of trailers makes them perfect for rows of solar panels, providing enough energy to power the motors of Class 8 rigs. This has presented plenty of alternative energy options for the freight industry, and there’s no reason to believe other fields couldn’t see a similar trend.

Even commercial construction vehicles could benefit from the integration of solar panels. Not only can solar technology be helpful in cars and commercial trucks, but it can also be used in industrial vehicles as well. As the solar revolution continues, many individuals and industries will likely see a sweeping change to their transportation choices.

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